Sunday 6 December 2015

This is why Feminists and SJWS will never be taken seriously

Just look at the first picture, clearly it's a 4chan bait. This is what happens when someone makes a trend that screams 'victimization.' I fucking hate these feminazis and SJW's. No one takes them seriously. They have nothing to stand for, except media trends on Twitter and Tumblr. 

We live in an outrage culture now a days where anything that bothers people, gets called for a ban or punishment. What's funny is that these so called feminists and SJWS are supposed to be liberals. But liberals are supposed to stand up for freedom of speech and thought expression, not against it.

As much as I want to be a liberal so badly, but they really disappoint me at times like this. When they support language policing, I keep thinking of '1984' by George Orwell and Winston Smith. This whole thing is fucking disgusting. This should not be happening in the 21st century.

We're suppose to evolve in terms of language, not the other way around. 

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